SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Ramon Celestino Velasquez Araguayan, Minister of People's Power for Transport of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.15 June#8459046
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Laureano Facundo Ortega Murillo, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Nicaragua for Cooperation with the Russian Federation; Advisor to the President of the Republic of Nicaragua on Investment, Trade and International Cooperation.15 June#8459040
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Sergey Brilev, President, The Global Energy Association.15 June#8459058
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Veronika Skvortsova, Head, Federal Medical-Biological Agency of the Russian Federation.15 June#8459068
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Sergey Brilev, President, The Global Energy Association.15 June#8459157
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Sergey Brilev, President, The Global Energy Association.15 June#8459026
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Tatyana Sakharova, Acting Chairman of the Board, State Specialized Russian Export-Import Bank.15 June#8459018
SPIEF-2023. Russia - Latin America. Boris Titov, Chairman, Russia-Cuba Business Council.15 June#8459007